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65,000+ bottles eliminated from cafe single use
Last year the cafes that chose to serve Evergreen Chai eliminated the use and disposal of a collective 65,000 + single-use bottles! Join us and inspire your customers with amazing tasting, eco-friendly chai.
What are you getting when you buy our chai?
Certified Ingredients
all of our ingredients are analyzed and certified. this is crucial for preventing heavy metals and other toxins from slipping under the radar.
GMP Manufacturing
Evergreen chai blends are mixed and packaged in a GMP Certified manufacturing facility by the Safe Food Alliance.
Seed Oil FREE
- no inflammatory seed oils
- no mono or di glycerides (often made from seed oil)
- instant chai latte made with 100% real organic cream
Artificial Sweetener Free
the jury is still out on whether artificial sweeteners are actually good for our health long term. for this reason, we choose to use real cane sugar that is unbleached and organic. we urge our customers to enjoy our tea latte products in moderation as a occasional sweet treat.
Compostable Packaging
If you've known about us for a long enough, you already know that we started out at a liquid concentrate company. A few years back, we took a huge leap away from plastic bottles! We are proud and excited that all of our chai packaging is biodegradable.
5% to forest preservation
each year we donate 5% of evergreen chai profits to help preserve nature.
our ingredients make a difference
the sugar cane that we purchase is made on a farm that is also 49,000 acres of animal home and 23 times more diverse than a conventional sugar farm.
It is Carbon Neutral.
It is 20% more productive than a conventional sugar farm.
It is the first regenerative organic certified sugar cane farm.
It uses Mechanical harvesting eliminating 47,000 tons of Co2 from hitting our atmosphere.
It avoids 13,900 tons of agrochemicals annually.